Russian Song

The human voice with or without any instrument(s)
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Re: Russian Song

Post by didi »

Alex wrote:Dear friends,
I am near to completing the typeset of Bortkiewicz' Op.43 No.7 Trinklied. As before, I am not able to effectively write down the words. Didi, would you be able to assist again? Thanks!

EDIT: If possible, Befreiung Op.72 No.1 too please. A 2-hand transcription of Trinklied will be uploaded by the end of today I believe.

Hi Alex

the text of "Befreiung" is comparable easy to "Trinklied".
"Trinklied" comes later.

Befreiung Op.72 No.1

Die Liebe nur,
sie blieb allein in der bittren Not.
Ach, wozu die Sorgen,
ach warum die Plagen, Mühen. Leiden?

Und wie oft riefen beide wir den Tod,
ja, den Tod, den Erlöser (?)
aus aller Erdenqualen suchten wir im Schlaf
das ewige Vergessen.

Nun lass uns ziehn ins ferne Land
wo Menschen glücklich sind,
Die Sonne warm
und sanft der Wind,
wo Freiheit ist!

So komm, mein Kind,
reich mir die Hand
und lass uns ziehn
nach jenem Land!


(?) I was a little bit unsure here
but its the only option
so that the text makes sense.
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Re: Russian Song

Post by Alex »

Bortkiewicz Op72 No1 Befreiung.pdf
Dear Didi, many many thanks again! You have allowed me to quickly finish the score. It's amazing how much these songs remind me of Bortkiewicz' piano works. He definitely repeated certain phrases, melodies, and chordal patterns in multiple works. I find that very enjoyable and cohesive.
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Re: Russian Song

Post by didi »

Alex wrote:
Bortkiewicz Op72 No1 Befreiung.pdf
Dear Didi, many many thanks again! You have allowed me to quickly finish the score. It's amazing how much these songs remind me of Bortkiewicz' piano works. He definitely repeated certain phrases, melodies, and chordal patterns in multiple works. I find that very enjoyable and cohesive.

Bortkiewicz Trinklied op.43 no.7

Fort die Gedanken, Freunde!
Auf zur Schenke, auf zur Schenke,

wo in dem Be-cher fliesst der ro-te Wein.
(4) (5) ( 6) (1) (2) .. (3) . (4) (5) (6) (1)

Seht wie der Himmel im Becher funkelt!
Last alles tie-fe, ge-dach-te sein!
............(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Auf! Auf! Lernt
(1) endlich diese Welt erkennen.
Des Lebens Weisheit

Rebensaft Schenke, schnell (??) hin(??)

(1) I'm very unsure with the last 2 words.
With the current translation the text (and the music - ritertando/vivace) makes much sense though.
If someone has a better proposal I'm thankfully open for suggestions !

(2) In 2 lines the notes do not match very well to the text
There I have put the beat below the text to show the connection to the notes.

(3) Alex In your piano solo transcription compare bar 2 and 3
They should be the same - there are 2 small mistakes in bar 3 left hand.
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Re: Russian Song

Post by Alex »

Thank you again! I am almost finished with Op73 No1 Immer du, now. Thank you for pointing out the error in the transcription. I have corrected it and will reupload in the proper thread. How embarrassing :mrgreen:.
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Re: Russian Song

Post by Alex »

Bortkiewicz Op43 No7 Trinklied.pdf
Here is the completed score for Trinklied. Again, I cannot do this without your help, Didi. Your extra notes at the end helped me out a lot, and I think you figured out those last words correctly.
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Last edited by Alex on Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russian Song

Post by didi »

Alex wrote:Thank you again! I am almost finished with Op73 No1 Immer du, now. Thank you for pointing out the error in the transcription. I have corrected it and will reupload in the proper thread. How embarrassing :mrgreen:.

Hi Alex

I think I get used to his handwriting ..

BR // Didi

Bortkiewicz Immer Du op.73 no.1

Blick ich entzückt in weite Ferne
Nach einem mildem Abendsterne,
Seh ich Dein liebes Angesicht
Und Deiner Augen warmes Licht.

Hör ich vom Tal ein Bächlein rauschen
halt ich den Schritt ein,
um zu lauschen
wohin das Wasser endlos zieht.
Mir ist als säng-est Du ein Lied.

Doch geh ich wandeln zwischen Fichten,
Dann ist mir dort, wo sie sich lichten
Als kämst Du plötzlich aus dem Wald
Wie einst, wie einst in lieblicher Gestalt.
I did not correct Capitial letters writing
according to German rules -
I noted it down as it is.
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Re: Russian Song

Post by Alex »

Bortkiewicz Op73 No1 Immer du.pdf
And the last one for this weekend. Enjoy, everyone!
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Re: Russian Song

Post by Alex »

A couple more. Only one left to go!

Thanks to Didi for the text!!
Bortkiewicz WoO Kriegslied.pdf
Bortkiewicz Op73 No2 Des Sultans Wundergarten.pdf
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Emil Borisovich Sernov
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Re: Russian Song

Post by Emil Borisovich Sernov »

Thank you for Bortkiewicz typesets!
Emil Borisovich Sernov
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Re: Russian Song

Post by Emil Borisovich Sernov »

Anatoly Alexandrov
Songs After Pushkin, Op.45
Alexandrov A - Romances on Poems of A.Pushkin.pdf
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