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Re: Nordic composers

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:02 pm
by rob
isokani wrote:I couldn't find a thread for this area. I ashamedly open it with a request: Sibelius op.114 Five Sketches, since I have lost my copy of these excellent pieces, and I am playing them next week. Many thanks to anyone who can help.
Sibelius op114 Five Esquisses (pno)(grey).pdf
Have merged this new thread with the 'Scandinavian' thread. Not that Finland is really part of Scandinavia. I've offered before to split this thread up into its constituent parts but really it's not so busy that that is warranted. So apologies to Finns everywhere for lumping them in with their Scandinavian neighbours!

Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 5:00 pm
by mballan
Further to the earlier postings I made by August Winding - his excellent set of Twenty-four Preludes.

Winding A - 24 Preludes Op 26.pdf

Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:10 pm
by Biljana
Hello ,
I would like to ask if anyone have Carl Nielsen- Five Piano Pieces op.3 FS10.
I heard them here

and they seem nice and interesting....
Thank you all

:D :) :D

Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:42 am
by rob
Nielsen FS10 op3 Fem Klaverstykker 1890.pdf

Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:06 am
by Biljana
Thank you very much Rob,

:D :) :D


Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:19 pm
by mballan
Rudolf Willmers (1821-1878) Danish pianist and conductor. Originally sent by his parent, when aged 13, to Germany to study science but he instead he turned to music. Took lessons from Hummel for two years and then another year with Schneider. He became a concert pianist and toured successful in Germnay, Austria, France and Britain to much acclaim. In 1866 he settled in Vienna He wrote a number of brilliant piano solos: Six Etudes, Serenade erotique [for LH], Sehnsucht am Meere, Un Jour d'ete en Norvege, Deux Etudes de Concert, Sonata Heroique, Tarantella giocosa, La Sylphide, Trillerketten, Aus der Geisterwelt, Tremolo-Caprice and Allegro symphonique.

I have posted his Etude in double notes Op 28.

Willmers R - Etude in double notes Op 28.pdf

Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:42 pm
by mballan
Johan Gustav Emil Sjögren (1853 – 1918). Swedish composer. Born in Stockholm, Sjögren entered the Stockholm Conservatory at the age of seventeen and later continued his studies at the Berlin Conservatory. From 1890, he served as the organist at the Sankt Johannes kyrka in Stockholm until shortly before his death on 1 March 1918.

Sjögren is remembered best for his lieder and piano music. Other noteworthy works include three preludes and fugues for organ, five violin sonatas, as well as pieces for choir.

I have posted his two Piano Sonatas and Nine Sketches [thank you Mr P].

Sjogren E - Nine Sketches.pdf
Sjogren E - Op 35 Piano Sonata No.1.pdf
Sjogren E - Op 44 Piano Sonate No.2.pdf

Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:13 pm
by Riodk
Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius (1805-1900)

More can be found at the Royal Library of Copenhagen:


Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:15 pm
by Riodk
And two fantasy pieces.

Hartmann_Fantasistykke G-Dur.pdf
Hartmann_Fantasistykke C-Dur.pdf

Re: Scandinavian Composers

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:11 pm
by mballan
Johan Gustav Emil Sjögren (1853 – 1918). Biogrphical details given a little earlier on this last work by him, the Op 39 Prelude & Fugue.

Sjogren E - Prelude et Fugue Op 39.pdf