Reading Material: books, essays and blogs

Anything musical that will not fit into the above fora
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Re: Reading Material: books, essays and blogs

Post by ilu »

Thank you very much for the explanation and the examples. I already have some but I am interesting in knowing the musical genre; so I will read the wikipedia references.

Quo melius Illac
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Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:36 pm
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Re: Reading Material: books, essays and blogs

Post by Timtin »

Anyone with an interest in the life and work of Ivor Gurney might be interested to know that a superb biography entitled 'Dweller in Shadows' by Dr Kate Kennedy was published last year by Princeton University Press. It's extremely well researched and includes exhaustive lists of both his music and his poetry. It's only when one sees these lists that it becomes clear just how immensely creative he was before mental illness took over his life. A large number of his compositions have never been published and are held by the Ivor Gurney Trust, whilst others have simply been lost.
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