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Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:59 am
by promusician
Anyone has copies of Franz Schubert - Complete pianoforte sonatas Vols.1-3 edited by Howard Ferguson? I need to have a look on a few sonatas for comparison but have no intention of buying all 3 books (which are IMHO costly). I am currently using the Tirimo edition (Chinese edition) which are much more cheaper. Hope that someone could help.

Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:25 pm
by alfor
promusician wrote:Anyone has copies of Franz Schubert - Complete pianoforte sonatas Vols.1-3 edited by Howard Ferguson? I need to have a look on a few sonatas for comparison but have no intention of buying all 3 books (which are IMHO costly). I am currently using the Tirimo edition (Chinese edition) which are much more cheaper. Hope that someone could help.
I do own all three volumes. Imho the very best of the newer Urtext editions!!
Which sonatas are you interested in?
If the edition is older than 25 years it will be no problem.

Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 4:33 am
by promusician
alfor wrote:I do own all three volumes. Imho the very best of the newer Urtext editions!!
Which sonatas are you interested in?
If the edition is older than 25 years it will be no problem.
I would like to have sonatas D664, 784, 845, 894, 959, 960. Thanks Alfor!

Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:56 am
by fredbucket
promusician wrote:
alfor wrote:I would like to have sonatas D664, 784, 845, 894, 959, 960. Thanks Alfor!
I suspect others would like the rest as well(hint hint…) :-)


Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:41 am
by Timtin
I'm really intrigued and impressed by the desire of many Pianophiliacs for
having several different editions of already familiar works.
My own collection of piano music is quite large, and throughout 45 years of
adding it, I've always tried to avoid any duplication of works where possible,
in order to save money and space for other less familiar piano music.
My way of thinking has always been that one reasonably good edition would
suffice, because what really mattered was the composer's original score,
rather than the extra details added later by different editors.
I'd be interested to know if I'm alone in having this approach to collecting.
Very possibly! :-)

Regards, Tim.

Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:13 am
by Riodk
As you indicate Tim, it can be a question of having to pay for it or not. It is somewhat easier to request something and getting it for free.
And please note that I'm just trying to point out the strength of a forum like this :-)

Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:32 am
by promusician
Timtin wrote:I'm really intrigued and impressed by the desire of many Pianophiliacs for
having several different editions of already familiar works.
My own collection of piano music is quite large, and throughout 45 years of
adding it, I've always tried to avoid any duplication of works where possible,
in order to save money and space for other less familiar piano music.
My way of thinking has always been that one reasonably good edition would
suffice, because what really mattered was the composer's original score,
rather than the extra details added later by different editors.
I'd be interested to know if I'm alone in having this approach to collecting.
Very possibly! :-)

Regards, Tim.
For more familiar works ,basically, I just buy the edition that is good in terms of paper quality, binding, price. The other editions I will take it as a supplement to my original ones.I am more fond of being a player rather than a collector. Regarding the composer's autograph, it is not always the truest of all editions, the composer may have made some corrections or additions in the first editions or second editions, or even his student's copy or simply in early sketches and drafts, making a urtext is never an easy job.

Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:55 pm
by fredbucket
Timtin wrote:I'm really intrigued and impressed by the desire of many Pianophiliacs for having several different editions of already familiar works.
Each edition offers different insights into playing - tempo, fingering, phrasing etc. Certainly the original score is the master, but the considered thoughts of others can be a very valuable resource in determining how you would play a particular piece. For example, the Associated Board Edition of Beethoven Sonatas (edited by Donald Francis Tovey and Harold Craxton) differs markedly from that of Artur Schnabel. This is as it should be - there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat, each in its own way valid. It is up to you as the performer to determine which cat you like, and how you would like to perform taxidermy.


Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:07 pm
by alfor
After some years of experience I would recommend the following „handling“ of the classics - in that case the Schubert Sonatas:

1) Print out (or buy - if you still know what that is!) a good unfingered edition.

2) Print out or buy one or better all of the following editions (there are good lesser known online marketplaces like „oxfam“!):
a) ABRSM („Signature Series“) ed. Ferguson (Urtext)
b) Henle ed. Badura-Skoda, Theopold (Urtext)
c) Breitkopf ed. Pauer
alternatively Wiener Urtext edition; Edition Peters (Urtext)
apart from op. 120 (Alfred, ed. Hinson) I do not know of any editions with full pedal indications;
the „Tonmeister-Ausgabe“ by Conrad Ansorge may be of some interest in that respect

3) find your own fingering (using the unfingered edition) - never ever use a ballpoint-pen or other permanent pens to enter the fingering ;)

then you are ready to

4) compare with the aforementioned editions:
Ferguson: excellent fingering and - where necessary - best explanation of ornaments
Badura-Skoda, Theopold: Fairly good fingering; really fine completion of the unfinished sonatas, imho
Pauer: in many spots rather sophisticated but excellent fingering

The Ferguson edition is from 1979 resp. 1980 - so I know how I will spend the first days of the New Year :mrgreen:

Re: Urtext Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:38 pm
by promusician
Dear Alfor,
How about your personal view on Martino Tirimo's edition?