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Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:40 am
by soh choon wee
lutoslawski wrote:Here is some works for Piano and Erhu.
San Men Xia
Actually, the more accurate title is Fantasie on San-Men Xia.
San-Men Xia (this is the name of a place at He-Nan province)
Baidu-pedia (the Wiki-pedia of PRC) described this place :

San-Men Xia is a dam at Yellow River.

This is a very famous Er-Hu piece. I believed it had also been transcribed into Er-Hu Concerto, and recorded under HUGO label (a Hong-Kong label) and perhaps also by Decca too.

From Baidu-pedia, this is the description of this piece.
北美中国音乐研究会“CHESE MUSIC”称刘文金是“中国大陆最能感到他的震撼力的”一位作曲家,连续载文分析、评论他的民族音乐作品。

《三门峡畅想曲》,以河南地区社会生活的变化作为创作题材,借用了西洋回旋曲式的结构,并运用火一样的激情,表现了作者对在黄河上建起的三门峡水库那壮观景象所引起的无限广阔的自豪情感。全曲共分七个段落,第一段中运用了富有舞蹈性的节奏,描写了三门峡建设者们愉快豪爽的形象;第二段则表现了建设者坚定的信念;第六和第七段,乐曲更加火热,尾声在十分火热的气氛中结束。特别是作者在乐曲中创造性地运用了三种定弦法(即sol--re弦)、 (la--mi弦)和(mi--si弦)的结合,大大扩展了二胡的表现力。

Basically, (1) described the composer Liu Wen-Jin who composed this piece in 1960 while he was third year undergraduate student in BeiJing central conservatory of music.

(2) This piece uses the Rondo structure. It depicts the composer feeling towards the DAM of San-Men Xia, the piece consisted of 7 parts.

Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:14 am
by soh choon wee
lutoslawski wrote:The love of Tzu Jiang (river?)

Tzu-Jiang (in PRC pin-yin Zhu-Jiang) is the river Zhu, which is the river in Guangzhou, running through GuangZhou, ShenZhen and HongKong.

This is the Youtube of the music :

This is considered a virtuosic piece, a competition favorite. Sorry, i know too little about ErHu music. But the Youtube version is a good representation of the voicing and vibrato of this instrument.

Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:23 am
by soh choon wee
lutoslawski wrote: Tzuo Yin Yao Hong-- according to what i learned in chinese, is movements of the candles shadow.
Tzuo-Yin Yao Hong (Zhu-Yin Yao-Hong)
This is the last piece of ErHu music composed by Liu Tian-Hua, the Paganinni of Erhu. This piece was composed May 1932. It uses the Cantonese tune in 3-4 timing, it is in dance form and uses the variation format, and depict the glorious dance scene (in the royal court).
  刘天华   刘天华像(1895-1932)江苏江阴人。国乐一代宗师,“中西兼擅,理艺并长、而又会通其间”的中国优秀的民族乐器作曲家、演奏家、音乐教育家。刘天华共作有十首二胡曲:《病中吟》、《月夜》、《苦闷之讴》、《悲歌》、《空山鸟语》、《闲居吟》、《良宵》、《光明行》、《独弦操》、《烛影摇红》;三首琵琶曲:《歌舞引》、《改进操》、《虚籁》;一首丝竹合奏曲《变体新水令》。编有四十七首二胡练习曲、十五首琵琶练习曲,还整理了崇明派传统琵琶曲十二首,其中他改编的《飞花点翠》于1928年由高亭唱片公司录制唱片,现已成为琵琶经典乐曲。刘天华在教学之余学习小提琴和西洋作曲理论,并在民族音乐的基础上吸收西洋音乐和演奏技巧,在民族器乐创作和演奏上取得了杰出的成就。

Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:48 pm
by lutoslawski
Million Thanks, on clearing me. Good to know that Zhu Jiang , is a competition favorite, and also works from virtuosic composers. I will be posting other erhu works. Some works are for other type of 2 stringed fiddle. Like Gaohu.
Indeed this works sounds great. And thanks for the youtube video.

All best,


Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:02 pm
by lutoslawski
Here is some other works .
Yi Bei - (a place i believe somewhere in china (?)) for Erhu and Piano
Yue Yie - Moon at night - for Erhu and Piano
Pu Tao Sou Le - (sorry for bad pinyin) - Grapes has Ripen. Fur Erhu und Klavier

All best,

Pu Tao Sou Le.pdf
Yue Yie.pdf
Yi Bei.pdf

Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:10 pm
by soh choon wee
lutoslawski wrote:Here is some other works .
Yi Bei - (a place i believe somewhere in china (?)) for Erhu and Piano
Yue Yie - Moon at night - for Erhu and Piano
Pu Tao Sou Le - (sorry for bad pinyin) - Grapes has Ripen. Fur Erhu und Klavier
All best, Tony
Yi-Bei, again composed by Liu Wen-jin, together with the (earlier posted by Tony) san-men xia, was the contribution (of 1959-1960) Liu to the modern ErHu repertoir. Yu-Bei refers to He-Bei, literally means the North of Yellow river. As we know, china had three main river, yellow river (He) , yang-tze-jiang (Jiang) and Zhu-JIang. The province north of Yellow River and South of Yellow River are called He-bei and He-Nan respectively. The proper translation of this work should be Yi-Bei Ballade. This work is a very important repertoir for ErHu.

Yue-Yie, again composed by Liu Tian-Hua (that paganini of ErHu) , perhaps a closer translation would be Clair la lune.

Bu-Tao shou le (Grapes had ripened) was composed by Zhou-wei between 1982 - 1985, depicting the Xin-Jiang ( people celebrating the harvest period. ... /isRenhe=1 (Youtube)

Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:32 pm
by parag
Thanks for the Erhu scores! speaking of which, is there anyone out there who knows of a single book and/or a DVD on Erhu technique in English?


Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:53 pm
by lutoslawski
2 more erhu scores.
Spring has come - Tschuen Tien Lai Le
Taiwanese folk song - I will put the name later, after i have figured out the title that is very unreadable right now.
Is a folk music, sang by aboriginals here in taiwan. Ke Chia people , if i am not mistaken.
Soh Choon Wee, can you tell me the author of this spring music?

All best,

Taiwanese folk music.pdf
Spring has come.pdf

Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:43 pm
by soh choon wee
lutoslawski wrote:Taiwanese folk song - I will put the name later, after i have figured out the title that is very unreadable right now.
Is a folk music, sang by aboriginals here in taiwan. Ke Chia people , if i am not mistaken.

This Taiwanese Folk Song

i must admit, i cannot decifer the title..........
The hand-written score. I am guessing whether it is from China (PRC) or Taiwan (ROC).
Based on orthography, there are some words that is written in simplified character (pointing towards PRC) yet there are some that is written in traditional character (ROC).
The music idion seems to suggest Hainan island, the minority there. Those syncopated rhythm is very characteristic of Hainan island.

A bit of history. Ke-chia (the more familiar name to the western world is Hakka) is DEFINITELY not aborigin of taiwan. The 10(some said 11) tribe in taiwan belongs to the Polynesians people, just like the Malayu in malaysia penisula. They do not use ErHu as an instrument.

Ke (in chinese language) means GUEST.

In the early middle kingdoms (around 4-10 century AD) the Ke were living in between Yellow river and Yang-Tze river, with the invasion of northwest, the mongols the various Tartans etc, and also the northern chinese, these original "CHINA" people was moved southwards,
Today, they lived among the SiChuan, Canton, Hokkien and also Taiwan. In taiwan, they are mainly in Miao-Li area.
Their dialect Ke-chia-hua is believed to reflect the middle ages chinese (Likewise, the cantonese and Hokkien or Tai-Yu) are closer to middle ages chinese.

About the Ke-jia (HAKKA)
The Hakka people (Hakka language: 客家人 Hak-kâ ngin; Mandarin Chinese: 客家人 Kèjiā ren) also known as Hakka Han,[1][2] are Han Chinese who speak the Hakka language and have links with the area of the provinces of Guangdong, Jiangxi, and Fujian in China. Their ancestors were often said to have arrived from what is today's central China centuries ago.[3] In a series of migrations, the Hakkas moved, settled in their present locations in southern China, and then often migrated overseas to various countries throughout the world.[4] They have had a significant influence on the course of Chinese and overseas Chinese history: in particular, several revolutionary, political, and military leaders have has Hakka origins.
(this wiki article is nearly factual and provide a very good start)
This music is new to me.

Re: China Japan and the Far East

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:22 pm
by soh choon wee
lutoslawski wrote:2 more erhu scores.
Spring has come - Tschuen Tien Lai Le
ChunTian lai le (Tschuen Tien Lai Le) Spring has come.
《春天来了》筝、高胡、扬琴三重奏曲,二胡领奏 雷雨声创作于1956年。这首乐曲是根据福建民歌《采茶扑蝶》、云南民歌《小河淌水》等音乐素材改编而成,既发挥了原曲欢快喜悦的情趣,又以各种演奏技巧以及巧妙的配器等,多变的复调和借鉴钢琴的伴奏音型,生动地表现了山泉淙淙,鸟语花香的明媚春光,使人感觉春天来到了人间的喜悦。此曲曾在1957年第六届世界青年联欢节的民间音乐比赛中荣获金质奖章。
This Youtube is a trio, using GuZheng (Zither) GaoHU (Soprano ErHu) and YangQing. This piece was composed 1956, according to Hokkien folk tune and Yunnan folk song. It won the composing prize in 1957, from this source, the composer is Lui-Yu-Sheng (i personally has some doubt, as this name is not very convincing, sounded more like a team effort, something that was very popular in 50s-60s in china) (Youtube) the performers Mian-Hui-Fen is the prima donna of ErHu . Her definitive recording of San-Men-Xia and YuBei fantasie was accolade wining.

Please also listen to Mian-Hui-Fen playing "Jiang'He Shui"
This is a SAD piece, an elegie, in my opinion, the highest art for ErHu.