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Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:50 am
by Jean-Séb
HTIEKFR wrote:I found this very short score by Henry Février.
Never heard of the composer before- Very few informations on wikipedia
Is this the beginning of the score only ??? or is it complete ?

Mod edit: I have changed the filename after my post below. FB.
Unfortunately, the score is not complete, this is just the first page.
His opera Monna Vanna was famous in its time. I have seen some works for piano that are very fine.
His son Jacques Février was a famous pianist. See him here with Georges Prêtre in the Poulenc concerto:

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:21 am
Yes it's what I thought. The piece is uncomplete and probably very hard to find.

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:29 pm
Freshly scan, a little charming piece by Paul Fauchey. I don't think anything by him was posted before.
FAUCHEY Historiette enfantine.pdf

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:43 pm
Something quite different but not very usual I believe, a piece by french composer Victor Alphonse Duvernoy (1842-1907)
Bachilique from the ballet Bacchus -
I'd be very interested if anybody has other scores by him.

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:49 pm
by mballan
Do not think we've had anything on this French composer ?

ROSELLEN, HENRI. Born in Paris, 1811. Took 2nd piano prize at the Conservatoire 1827, and 1st in harmony in 1828. Was a pupil and imitator of Herz. He published nearly 200 works for piano including a 'Methode de Piano' (Heugel), a collection of progressive exercises entitled ‘Manuel des Pianistes ' (ibid.), and many separate pieces of salon character, one of which, a Reverie Op 31 No. 1, enjoyed considerable popularity for many years across Europe. He died 1876.
Rosellen H - Beatrice di Tenda Op 40.pdf
Rosellen H - Cenerentola Fantasie Op 109.pdf

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:37 pm
by mballan
And another Rosellen piece...hopefully more to come shortly.
Rosellen H - Fantaisie Brillante sur Lucie de Lammermoor Op 80.pdf

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:03 pm
by mballan
A very pleasant and fun to play Scherzo by the French composer, Emile Forgues. Can not seem to find any further data on this composer beyond he performed at one with Gottschalk in Spain. Wrote a number of piano pieces [according to Pazdirek] of which Op 15 Etude de Concert still appears in print.
Forgues E - Scherzo.pdf

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:53 am
by fleubis
mballan wrote:A very pleasant and fun to play Scherzo by the French composer, Emile Forgues. Can not seem to find any further data on this composer beyond he performed at one with Gottschalk in Spain. Wrote a number of piano pieces [according to Pazdirek] of which Op 15 Etude de Concert still appears in print.

Thanks for this nice piece, Malc. Just what I need as I don't do right-hand 6ths as well as I'd like and this piece makes it fun to practice them.

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:19 am
by Jean-Séb
mballan wrote:A very pleasant and fun to play Scherzo by the French composer, Emile Forgues. Can not seem to find any further data on this composer beyond he performed at one with Gottschalk in Spain. Wrote a number of piano pieces [according to Pazdirek] of which Op 15 Etude de Concert still appears in print.

Victor-Esprit-Émile Forgues was born in Paris in 1823. He was a pianist with some reputation for his playing and his compositions, mainly morceaux de genre, such as tarentelles, fantaisies, variations, Spanish-style pieces, etc. There is an amusing review of a concert in Paris, in 1852, where he played a sonata by Beethoven, and then several light and brilliant pieces of his own, and the reviewer noted that the public was much more interested by these than by Beethoven!

Re: French Piano Music

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:59 am
by GJF323
HTIEKFR wrote:Something quite different but not very usual I believe, a piece by french composer Victor Alphonse Duvernoy (1842-1907)
Bachilique from the ballet Bacchus -
I'd be very interested if anybody has other scores by him.
You've save me from scanning this one. I just received my original a few days ago.